At the beginning of the training camp, Sawamura is enthusiastic and shows significant potential, but it doesn't take long to find out that fielding is his weak point, which is probably because of his little experience due to his baseball history. The 4th batter capitalized on Sawamura;'s wavering moment after the Walk and landed a long hit on the 1st pitch. After the loss to Ichidaisan High in Spring, Sawamura is determined to "complete himself" and said that he would practice swinging until his hands have blisters.[31]. Agaisn't Sankou's main cannon, Hoshida, the battery manages to foul him with an inside pitch and gives him a strike with a perfectly caught low outside ball from Miyuki. By the 4th inning, Seihou's batters made adjustments to their batting mechanics and stopped using a leg kick to counter Sawamura's moving fastballs and deceptive pitching delivery. Determined to change and to go to Nationals, Sawamura throws the ball, constantly telling himself to not run away. He is a pitcher who throws with his feelings and is never ashamed to show everyone what's on his mind. Kanemaru brings the ice and is worried about his teammate, because Sawamura didn't say anything since he got subbed and just sat silently on the bench. Learning the changeup actually helped unseal Sawamura's breaking pitch potential. Despite their differences, the two are important pitchers of the team who constantly challenge each other's abilities. But isn't taking down the batter in front of you the sole duty of a pitcher?! Again, on 2 April 2019, another Diamond No ace series got aired. 18 at the start of the Fall Tournament. After he familiarizes himself with the defensive responsibilities and techniques, Sawamura has been gradually solidifying his defensive skills throughout the course of his 1st year. After a short banter with Furuya, Sawamura cheers loudly from the dugout, delaying cool down to watch the rest of the inning. His weaknesses at the beginning were batting, outfield defense, and his pitching control. [54]. [38][39] This is further affirmed by Sawamura being able to consistently hit the same location of Okumura's mitt when the two do warm up before practice. The "Revised Cutter" has as much speed as his straight fastball while also breaks sharply as it comes near the plate, as a result, the pitch appears like it suddenly vanishes from the batter's eyes.[48][49]. This form causes his throwing arm to come out much later and causes the ball to move more. Umemiya hits the pitch and the ball bounces to Sawamura's glove. Sawamura continues to strike out Akikawa and the crowd is impressed, as well as Chris and Kataoka who compliments Sawamura. Chris tells him that if Sawamura can't pitch to the inside then he doesn't have to, but encourages him to learn throwing low and away instead. During the practice match[16] against Osaka Kiryu High School, Furuya's on the mound first. With regards to performance, they recognize each other's abilities, though they both rarely admit it. The episode premiered on May 25, 2014. Sawamura then stopped the bleeding and closed out the inning. However, before the SF match with Ichidaisan, Sawamura was trying to come up with a way to force the very disciplined Sankou's lineup to swing for the pitches they wouldn't want to and beat them in the zone. In addition, his throws to bases were erratic since his pitch would break close to the target and would even end up hitting the runner instead. In the bottom of the seventh Miyuki and Sawamura prevail against Yakushi's clean-up batters, striking out Raichi on a fastball and Sanada on a changeup in succession. Miyuki compliments Sawamura, saying that it was thrilling to catch for him but ironically, Sawamura thought it was sarcasm from the captain. The first season aired in 2013; the second season aired in 2015, and the third season aired in 2019. . [37] Known to most in-universe characters as Sawamura's winning or strike-out pitch. However, this makes catching the ball difficult, as most catchers cannot predict where the ball will end up as well as making a challenge for Sawamura himself to properly control his pitches. He is a left-handed pitcher who was promoted from the second string to the first string as No. At a conversation with Takashima, Sawamura complains about Chris' apparent lack of motivation. Miyuki uses him as a decoy, but both get punished by Coach Kataoka along with Sawamura's roommates Kuramochi Youichi and Masuko Tooru. The keystone combo has their pitcher's back once more with Kuramochi sending the ball to Haruichi who sends it to first base getting the teams third out and closing the inning. Sawamura is petrified. The Numbers are various grips that Sawamura and Miyuki have tested. What sport is Diamond no Ace? -, "Flawless! Shirakawa is at bat next and battles it out with Sawamura, who starts to pitch harder. At 2 outs and with a runner on 2nd base, Zono had an opportunity to tie the score; however, his long hit was caught by an outfielder and Ichidaisan won the game. He Who Is Called "Ace" ( Japanese: "" "su" to Yobareru Hito) is the eighth episode of the Haiky!! During the 3rd inning, Sawamura utilizes a variety of pick-off timing to pin down the runner and minimize Hakuryu's mobility advantage; and also managed to retire Mima on his 2nd at bat. When he found out that Sawamura was suffering from the yips, he was sure that Sawamura would get over it and become stronger from it. Sawamura believed to be Chris uncommitted to the team and unhelpful to him, while Chris only saw Eijun as an immature and annoying underclassman. The first season began on October 6, 2013 and consisted of 75 episodes. Back in the fall, we, too, got our butts kicked because of the devil's own guts that boy has." Seemingly affected by this fielding error Sawamura gives up a walk next. "We'll get back to this," she assured him, getting up and heading to the hallway to pick up the phone. [28] She often comes to watch his decisive games (together with their friends or with Sawamura's father and grandfather). [38] During the training camp before the Summer Tournament, Sawamura's velocity was measured to be 138 km/h. Back at Seidou, Sawamura practices with the net, while Furuya is running nearby. Only after seeing his captain crying, Sawamura realizes that they were just one out away from Koshien and he too starts to cry. The first season was adapted back in October 2013, then Season 2 came in April 2016 and lastly, Act 2 started its adaptation in April 2019 and has now just ended. It was a tearful farewell. Again, on 2 April 2019, another Diamond No ace series got aired. Kataoka tells Kanemaru to have Sawamura ice his shoulder properly. About Diamond no Ace Ace of Diamond is a Japanese shnen baseball manga series by Yuji Terajima and published by Kodansha. She gives him the opportunity to visit and watch their practice at the high school. He was surprised when Sawamura achieved this within one week with the help of Coach Kataoka. In the bottom of the seventh, after a cramp, Tanba's pitching is affected. During the next at bat, Sawamura faces Yakushi's clean-up. After the meeting, while the majority of the team decided to go watch the Final of the Spring Tournament, Sawamura said he wants to stay back and practice on his batting. However, Sawamura got tense and failed the execution of the Splitter, walking Mima on base. In the 6th inning, Sawamura's fatigue catches up to him as his pitch control started to unravel. Sawamura is the type of guy that want to be friends with as he just exudes positivity and genuine emotional power from every scene he's in. Answer (1 of 3): As of right now in the anime is Sawamura. -, "His attitude of moving forward is his best weapon." In the 8th inning Seidou's mood is brought back out by their resident loud mouth and ace and Kawakami showing his support by shadow pitching in the bullpen. Post Spring Tournament - Golden Week Period. The fourth season of The most loved sport drama Diamond no Ace will be released soon for viewers who are anticipating it. Seidou's batting line up continued to connect successfully throughout the game and Houdai Ichi was taken down in a called game by the 7th inning. Starting out at Seidou isn't exactly smooth sailing for the ray sunshine that is Sawamura. When Sawamura had the yips, Kanemaru was the first one to ask Chris to help Sawamura, implying he was worried about him. [51], Sawamura's pitching motion of this pitch was noted by Sanada to have "the exactly same arm motion as his fastball"[51] making it very effective when used in combination with his high speed fastball. Will there be a season 4 of Diamond no Ace? In Act II, he becomes Seidou's ace in his second year by the start of the Summer Regional Tournament. Sawamura eagerly claims his number, 20, despite not being called yet, but grateful that he really did get a number. Sawamura is a hotheaded and loudmouthed youth who usually comes off as obnoxious. The two have a kind of big-brother little-brother kind of relationship. Thinking that Sawamura isn't paying attention to him, the runner's lead on base got bigger but Sawamura unexpectedly made a pick-off throw to first, outing the runner. Kanemaru is Sawamura's classmate who at first refused to acknowledge him, believing Sawamura was all talk. While Shirakawa receives treatment in the dugout, his teammates try to encourage Sawamura but Miyuki notices his change after the dead ball, then sends a signal to their coach. 18 at the start of the Fall Tournament. Naruta Tech is a powerhouse from Chiba that visited Seidou for a practice match and the school is famous for possessing a famous "South Paw Killer" cleanup in their team. [32] Sawamura however, is almost always seen scowling after bunting because he wishes to hit instead but immediately jumps at the opportunity to lecture and teach his teammates a more perfect technique whenever they attempt to bunt. They start to connect with his pitches but Sawamura gets out of the jam without ceding a run. This is probably my fav game in the series. Ichidai however like any team who plays to win will not let up. Kataoka calls for a pitcher change. During the weekday following the training camp, the coaches discuss who should be entrusted with the Ace number and despite recognizing Sawamura's stellar and consistent performances, Ochiai suggests Furuya should be entrusted with the Ace number instead as he believes stripping Furuya off his former title may prevent his future growth meanwhile arguing that Sawamura is a man who can grow under extreme pressure. When he first joined Seidou, Sawamura's defensive skills were poor due to the facts that he did not play in any position beside pitcher in his middle school and that his knowledge about baseball were very limited. Is the pitcher pretending to pitch, with one or more runners on base, when he has no intention of doing so an umpire may call a balk. Calling for a time-out, Miyuki tells Sawamura to focus on the batter. Urabe was batting 5th and was retired by Sawamura along with the other cleanups. Kataoka then entrusts Sawamura the eighth, who manages to hold the Yakushi batters down. This pitch doesn't break irregularly while also appears to accelerate due to the lack of height drop and deceleration thanks to the high amount of spin Sawamura put on the ball. 5 comfortably but his control on pitch No. His body is naturally flexible with supple joints, allowing him to immediately change the pitch's direction. Kawakami is then subbed in by the 7th inning to replace Furuya to keep him fresh as the coaches considered the possibility of the looming 3rd round match against Komadai. After combining his original form of raising his knee high and his new wall form, he was finally able to complete his new style. The second batter, Mori swings and miss for the first pitch and it's a strike. They never told him about their reluctant feelings before because they knew that Sawamura wouldn't go otherwise. Miyuki apologizes to Chris for asking him to help out but Chris says that it's something he always wanted to say to him and hopes that it'll help Sawamura get over his fear of throwing to the inside. Miyuki tells Sawamura that he's done well. Kataoka then orders Sawamura to stop and rest for 3 days in preparation for the match with Hakuryuu High, in which he wants Sawamura to be the starting pitcher for. Note that this data is based on the official guidebook!You are free to write about the characters improvements in the Skills section above! Episode 52 of Season 3 will air on March 31, 2020. Is Diamond no Ace worth watching? Up next to bat is Sanada, while Raichi goes for a steal and succeeds. On top of the ninth inning Tanba and Miyuki close out the game. However, he's still grinding and doesn't seem to have hit his stride yet. Ochiai observes Sawamura before their game against Teito and asks if he wants to switch to sidearm pitching, thus suggesting becoming a practice pitcher for the team. Mima hits a Double on a fastball and put Hakuryu in an early scoring position. Sawamura tried out the 2-seam fastball within the Fall Tournament and displayed it to the coaches and his team mates before the match against Yakushi. Since the start of his 2nd year Sawamura's control over his breaking fastballs has shown considerable improvements as Sawamura is now capable of making his pitches break as he desire and precisely locate his pitches to where Miyuki wants it. To pitch a ball that moves before reaching the bat is a natural talent. Seidou faces off against Maimon West High School in the West Tokyo qualifiers. Seidou regulars then went on to watch the remaining semifinal match between Inajitsu and Teitou while the rest of the team returned to school. The team reports Sawamura's performance to Miyuki in the evening, complimenting him for a fine game. As a result, the 2-seam fastball was not used in the Final match against Yakushi. When Raichi is once again at-bat he hits the ball and it goes over the left field fence, bringing in two runs for Yakushi. An anime adaptation of Ace of Diamond Act II has been announced, and it premiered on April 2, 2019. -, "This guy is a great deal more dangerous than we pegged him to be." Dubbed as the "Bunting Master" by his teammates, Sawamura is a gifted bunter, being able to effortlessly bunt any pitch, even that with a speed of 150 km/h. Sawamura's 2-seam fastball breaks down and away from right-handed batters as it comes close to the plate. His team was below average, often making mistakes during critical moments and losing almost all their matches. However, after learning the proper pitching grip for the 4-seam fastball, Sawamura's fastball stabilized and stopped breaking irregularly. The crowd is heavily cheering for Ugumori. Diamond no Ace is a fantastic anime with a very accurate portrayal of baseball. [40] Sawamura's accurate control allows him to get strike on the corners more reliably compared to his first year and, when coupled with the rich variety of pitches he possesses, gives batters a difficult time predicting what type of pitch he may throw next. In the quarter-finals Sawamura replaces Furuya on top of the third inning and faces the top of the lineup. He also arranged a meeting with Miyuki to discuss about game calling which ended up becoming a group meeting for all pitchers and catchers within the team. He also adds that to promote further growth from both of them, switching their status is important which is why he decided to entrust Sawamura with the Ace number instead for this Summer. The cast and staff will reprise their roles from the previous series, with Madhouse returning for animation production. The batter's hit was caught by Shirasu on right field but the runner was able to tag-in to score and Sawamura ceded a run. Read Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns - v2 Chapter 85 : Sawamura's Revenge (Tribute to Phantom Little) online free from your Mobile, PC at Lack of motivation, believing Sawamura was all talk and faces the top of the jam without ceding a.. Sanada, while Raichi goes for a time-out, Miyuki tells Sawamura to focus on the mound first the,... 52 of season 3 will air on March 31, 2020 between Inajitsu and Teitou the... Body is naturally flexible with supple joints, allowing him to be 138 km/h yet, both. 138 km/h Yakushi 's clean-up a strike and Kataoka who compliments Sawamura anime adaptation of Ace Diamond. In 2015, and the ball to move more recognize each other 's,... Practices with the net, while Raichi goes for a steal and succeeds lack of.... Will be released soon for viewers who are anticipating it complains about Chris ' apparent lack of.. 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